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Pendix und Christiania Bikes

Deutsch-Dänische Kooperation

Urban Change Lab

Miss Kenia Wabaiya Kariuki ist die neue Markenbotschafterin

Pendix und Christiania Bikes

Die elektrische Alternative

Brandenburger Freiheitspreis

Stephan-Andreas Casdorff und Domstift-Kurator Dr. Cord-Georg Hasselmann

Ruby Cup

Kenia: Schulung für Girls

850 Jahre Dom zu Brandenburg

Pressekonferenz zum Abschluss der Sanierungsarbeiten

Victress Awards

6 Preisträgerinnen


Mode für große Frauen

Mosaik Gärtnerhof

Mitarbeiter Fürstenbrunner Weg


Atemtraining aus Finnland

Become unforgettable

Team Code Zero causes people to talk about you, we initiate media coverage of your topics through our growing network of journalists. We write and place for you detailed articles, press releases and specialist articles, we organise your press events and advise you on your media plans.

In short: We handle your Press Relations comprehensively. Our field of operation is the German-speaking area. For international, non-German Press and Public Relations, we cooperate with the renowned Miami Beach agency DesignRush and with the Danish office Epicent in Aarhus.

For tasks that exceed the central text and PR work we rely on a trusted network of specialists.

We have partners in the following professions: